Keiko Nishiyama is an eponymous contemporary womenswear brand established in 2014. Proud of her origins and attached to her new home, Keiko has decided to give a double identity to her brand which is both Japanese and English. The label based in London and Tokyo is synonymous with curiosity, mystery and illusion.
Prints are the brand’s signature - they are created and hand-drawn by Keiko, inspired from the fundamental concept of the historic ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’. Also known as ‘Wonder Rooms’, The Cabinet of Curiosities were considered to be the ancestors of the museum.They would display encyclopaedic collections attempting to categorise and unveil stories about the wonders and oddities of the natural world.
Keiko Nishiyama strives to recreate and improve the same idea focusing on nature’s beautiful imperfections. Nature is the core focus of her work. Each season, Keiko brings a hybrid curiosity to life for a new story to tell - a unique print for a unique garment.
Keiko Nishiyama began her design course in Tokyo and has recently graduated from the London College of Fashion. She has presented her collections several times during the London and Paris Fashion Weeks. A first collaboration was conducted with the brand FitFlop footwear during summer 2014. Her creations were worn by Susie Bubble during The Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2014 and were featured in Vogue UK's 'Ones to Watch, and in i-D Magazine.
Keiko Nishiyama はロンドンカレッジオブファッションMAを卒業した後、2014年にブランドを立ち上げました。
Keiko Nishiyamaの卒業コレクションがロンドンファッションウィークにて発表され、Vogue UK、i-DMagazineやファッションブロガーのスージーバブル に着用されるなど数々のイギリスのファッション誌に特集されました。2014年若手支援プログラム・ファッションスカウトに選ばれた機にブランドを本格的にスタートさせ、ロンドンとパリのファッションウィークにてコレクションを発表しました。 コンフォートシューズブラウスのFitFlopや東京のハンカチブランドHTokyoにテキスタイルのコラボレーションをするなど、多岐にわたってテキスタイルを提供しています。