Wonderful Wisteria
One of the best things about my daily walks over the last few weeks has been spotting all the beautiful wisteria. This plant is like something from a fairy tale which needs love, care and attention to grow into a heavenly scented climber that wraps itself around anything in its desire to reach the sun.
I though this month I would share some fun facts about this wonderful plant:-
Wisteria is part of the legume family, which also includes peas, beans and lentils.
It was named by the English botanist Thomas Nuttall (1786-1859) who discovered it when travelling to the Great Lakes of North America in 1810, with fellow botanist John Bradbury.
There are 10 species of Wisteria and they are native to Japan, China, Korea and Eastern United States but many versions have also been introduced in to the UK and Europe.
Two of the most popular Wisteria can be identified by how they climb! If it twines its stems clockwise it is probably a Japanese Wisteria and if it twines itself counter-clockwise then it is more likely Chinese Wisteria and this is the most common one found in the UK.
Wisteria needs love, attention, strong support and patience to grow as it can take decades before it blooms
1810年に北アメリカの五大湖に旅したときに発見した英国の植物学者Thomas Nuttall(1786-1859)が、仲間の植物学者John Bradburyと一緒に命名しました。
最も人気のある2つの藤の種類は、茎の’登り方’で識別できます。 茎を時計回りに絡める場合はおそらく日本の藤であり、反時計回りに絡む場合は中国の藤である可能性が高く、これは英国で最も一般的な藤です。