
For this no.6 curiosity Collection, Physiolatry,
Japan has long believed in and worshiped the mysterious power of nature and natural phenomena.
Japanese flower arrangement, called ‘Ikebana’ which is a traditional performing art, was believed to be invited God by setting up plants, believing that spirits and the soul of God dwell in everything.
In addition, the Rinpa school, which is the origin of Japanese design, found a decorative expression by embodying the beautiful appearance and sprit of nature.
This season's KEIKO NISHIYAMA textiles are inspired by the Rinpa style of painting and the philosophy of ikebana, praising natural objects and expressing their beauty and designs that make the nature.
One and a half years when we had to refrain from going out unnecessarily and urgently,
Flowers, vegetation, birds chirping, which we could not use to pay attention to..
It made us realize that not only what we see though eyes, but also the smell and sound make us feel calm.
Keiko put it in the textile so that she and we will not forget that feeling.
また、日本のデザインの原点でもある琳派は、 自然の美しい姿・形を形象化して装飾的な表現を見出しました。
今季のKEIKO NISHIYAMAのテキスタイルには、琳派の画風や、生け花の哲学に着想を得て、自然物を讃えて、その美しさや自然を生かしたデザインを表現しています。